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Laurentian SETAC Call for Volunteers

Are you looking to become more involved in Laurentian SETAC? 

Volunteer positions are available on the  Pub Night  and  AGM/Short Course Committees, beginning in December 2021.  

Please reach out to the contact listed below by December 8th if these roles seem like a good fit for you (or if you have any questions)! 

Pub Night Committee:

Contact: Erin Leonard

The Pub Night Committee helps to plan opportunities for science exchange at a casual venue. Generally hosted at a local eatery/pub every 6-8 weeks between September and June. Due to COVID these events have been hosted on an online platform.  

Volunteers are responsible for: 

  1. seeking and approaching potential speakers that would be of interest to the Laurentian membership

  2. organizing and coordinating advertising

  3. time commitment: approximately 1 hour bi-weekly (September – June) 

AGM/Short Course Committee:  

Contact: Denina Simmons

The AGM/Short Course Committee organizes and coordinates the AGM/short course with respect to theme, plenary speakers, abstract submissions, meeting agenda, advertising, etc. Due to COVID the AGM/short course will be hosted in an online format.  

Volunteers are responsible for:

  1. seeking and approaching potential plenary speakers that would be of interest to the Laurentian membership  

  2. helping to recruit a short course instructor and coordinate the event 

  3. coordinating sponsorship, advertising, meeting agenda, social events, and discussions during the AGM/short course 

  4. time commitment: 1-2 hours monthly (December – June), with more time during the AGM in June 

Save the Date!

Upcoming Laurentian SETAC Events

December 8, 2021, 6:30 p.m. – Laurentian SETAC Pub Night, Dr. Andy Turko

Title: Physiology, behaviour, and conservation of the endangered redside dace

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