Review criteria for each section and select the most appropriate level for each section.
Remember, 5 (Superb) should be reserved for exceptional presentations.
Clearly deficient (1)
Background information is irrelevant or poorly summarized. No connections to previous literature or broader issues. Goals and hypotheses are unclear or absent.
Less than adequate (2)
Background information lacks relevance or clarity. Limited connections to previous literature and broader issues. Goals and hypotheses are vaguely stated with unclear relevance.
Adequate (3)
Background information is adequately summarized. Some connections to previous literature and broader issues are evident. Goals and hypotheses are stated with some clarity and relevance.
More than adequate (4)
Background information is relevant and wellsummarized. Connections to previous literature and broader issues are generally clear. Goals and hypotheses are stated clearly but may lack conciseness or clarity in relevance.
Superb (5)
Background information is highly relevant and exceptionally summarized. Clear connections to previous literature and broader issues. Goals and hypotheses are clearly and concisely stated with evident relevance.
Clearly deficient (1)
Inappropriate choice of experimental methods with no descriptions of controls or comparative groups.
Less than adequate (2)
Poor choice of experimental methods with unclear descriptions of controls and comparative groups.
Adequate (3)
Adequate choice of experimental methods with descriptions of controls and comparative groups, but lacking in originality or innovation.
More than adequate (4)
Excellent choice of experimental methods with clear descriptions of controls and comparative groups.
Superb (5)
Excellent choice of experimental methods with clear descriptions of controls and comparative groups.
Clearly deficient (1)
Inadequate data presented with unclear or illogical presentation. No identification of potential problems or alternative approaches.
Less than adequate (2)
Limited amounts of data presented with unclear or incomplete presentation. Few potential problems or alternative approaches identified.
Adequate (3)
Adequate amounts of data presented with some clarity, thoroughness, and logical presentation. Limited identification of potential problems or alternative approaches.
More than adequate (4)
Substantial amounts of high-quality data presented with clear, thorough, and logical presentation. Some potential problems and alternative approaches identified.
Superb (5)
Substantial amounts of high-quality data presented with exceptional clarity, thoroughness, and logical presentation. Potential problems and alternative approaches identified.
Clearly deficient (1)
Inconclusive or unsupported conclusions. No clear connection to project goals or hypotheses, with no discussion of relevance in a wider context.
Less than adequate (2)
Weak conclusions lacking strong support from evidence. Limited connection to project goals or hypotheses, with little discussion of relevance in a wider context.
Adequate (3)
Conclusions drawn with some support from evidence. Connection to project goals or hypotheses is somewhat clear, with limited discussion of relevance in a wider context.
More than adequate (4)
Sound conclusions supported with evidence. Connected to project goals or hypotheses, with some discussion of relevance in a wider context.
Superb (5)
Sound conclusions supported with evidence. Connected to project goals or hypotheses, with some discussion of relevance in a wider context.
Clearly deficient (1)
Incoherent oral presentation. Numerous errors in text. Visually unattractive poster with no use of photos/figures.
Less than adequate (2)
Unclear or illogical oral presentation. Numerous errors in text. Visually unappealing poster with limited use of photos/figures.
Adequate (3)
Adequate oral presentation with some clarity and logic. Some errors in text. Visually acceptable poster with moderate use of photos/figures.
More than adequate (4)
Clear and logical oral presentation with a good flow of information. Minor errors in text. Visually appealing poster with effective use of photos/figures.
Superb (5)
Consistently clear and logical oral presentation with an eloquent flow of information. Text is concise and error-free. Poster is visually appealing with effective use of photos/figures.
Clearly deficient (1)
Figures and tables absent or irrelevant. No explanation provided by the presenter. No balance of visuals and text.
Less than adequate (2)
Figures and tables labeled incorrectly or with inconsistencies. Poor explanation by the presenter. Unbalanced use of visuals and text.
Adequate (3)
Figures and tables labeled correctly, with some enhancement of data understanding. Utilized with minor issues in explanation. Adequate balance of visuals and text.
More than adequate (4)
Figures and tables labeled correctly, enhancing understanding of data. Utilized properly but explained with minor inconsistencies by the presenter. Good balance of visuals and text.
Superb (5)
Figures and tables labeled correctly, enhancing understanding of data. Utilized properly and explained clearly by the presenter. Enhance visual appeal with a good balance of visuals and text.
Clearly deficient (1)
Presenter struggles to answer questions coherently or professionally. Demonstrates poor knowledge of the subject and related areas. Speech lacks clarity, naturalness, and enthusiasm, with minimal or no eye contact during question answering.
Less than adequate (2)
Presenter answers questions with some difficulty or inconsistency. Knowledge of the subject and related areas is limited or lacks depth. Speech is somewhat unclear or lacks naturalness, and there may be occasional lapses in enthusiasm or eye contact.
Adequate (3)
Presenter generally answers questions in a competent and professional manner. Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge of the subject and related areas. Speech is clear and mostly natural, with occasional instances of enthusiasm and appropriate eye contact.
More than adequate (4)
Presenter answers questions confidently and professionally. Demonstrates solid knowledge of the subject and related areas, providing thorough and insightful responses. Speech is clear, natural, and enthusiastic, with consistent eye contact during question answering.
Superb (5)
Presenter excels in answering questions, providing thorough, articulate, and insightful responses. Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of the subject and related areas, impressing the audience with expertise. Speech is exceptionally clear, natural, and enthusiastic, maintaining strong eye contact throughout the questionand-answer session.