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Job Opportunity: Research Scientist, Soil & Nutrient Management

The Pacific Agri-Food Food Research Centre-Summerland (PARC-Summerland) invites applications for a Research Scientist position with a specialization in soil and nutrient management. The Centre, located in Summerland BC (Okanagan Region), conducts world class research in the area of sustainable production of high-value horticultural crops. The Soil & Nutrient Management Scientist will be expected to develop a research program on C flux and nutrient cycling processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum with emphasis on root-zone management for woody perennials and interaction with major abiotic stresses (temperature, water, nutrients). Expected outcomes of the incumbent’s research will be new knowledge on soil and nutrient management that will enable the development of innovative horticultural crop production practices and technologies while minimizing their environmental footprint. This position is open to persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad. Closing date: 13 May 2015. For more information and to apply on-line, visit the web site.

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