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VEP – Very Employable Person – Shari Cater

Name: Shari Cater Contact; LinkedIn: Degree: MSc in Aquatic Toxicology Title of Thesis: Historical trends of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in fish and sediment associated with two bleached kraft pulp mills in northern Ontario Institution and Advisors: University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario; Supervisor: Dr. Mark Servos Graduation Date: December 2013 Career Goals: I would like to continue to do environmental monitoring with a focus on aquatic environments. Connection with Laurentian SETAC: Member of SETAC North America and L-SETAC since 2011; member of the L-SETAC Short Course Committee; member of SETAC NA Career Development Committee. Accomplishment I am most proud of: Completing my Masters and being nominated for the University of Waterloo Dean of Science Award, an award given to a student in recognition of outstanding performance and creative research in the Master of Science program. Big Cheese I would most like to have a drink with: Dr. David Schindler – he is very outspoken about his work, very passionate, and his research is very cool. Most people won’t guess that I: Was captain of my high school rugby team. Best weird science moment: We were out sampling wild fish, and when one of the students picked up a female white sucker, the fish started releasing eggs everywhere. It was unexpected, cool, and weird at the same time. Most memorable conference I have been to during my degree was: This would have to be the latest SETAC NA conference, in Nashville, in 2013. I have thoroughly enjoyed networking with great scientists and I got a chance to attend a multitude of presentations in various scientific fields. It was also great to experience downtown Nashville and actually hang out with those big names that go on the scientific papers I cite all the time. Most memorable philosophical moment I had during my degree: To paraphrase my supervisor, “Quality is more important than quantity.” My graduate experience was more than just a degree because: I had a chance to meet a great deal of people, with various backgrounds, at all the conferences that I have been to and on all the committees that I have been a part of throughout my graduate experience. Click here for Shari's CV. -Submitted by Oana Birceanu

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