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Very Employable Person (VEP) – Benjamin Hlina

NAME: Ben Hlina Contact email: Degree: M.Sc. in Integrative Biology, emphasis: Fish Physiology and Aquatic Toxicology Title of Thesis: The Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Uptake and Elimination of 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol by Larval Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Institution and Advisor: Wilfrid Laurier University; Dr. Michael Wilkie. Graduation Date: November 2015. Career Goals: To continue research within fish and aquatic sciences and ecotoxicology. Connection with Laurentian SETAC: I recently became a member in January 2016 and have attended a couple of pub nights. Accomplishment I am most proud of: Completion of my M.Sc. degree. Big cheese I would most like to have a drink with: Alex Honnold and Dr. Ray Hilborn. Alex Honnold is considered the best free rock climber in the world and has a very humble perspective on life. It would be cool to talk about climbing, our environment, and life in general. Dr. Ray Hilborn’s passion to understand our impact on fish populations is outstanding and getting a chance to meet him would be a lifelong dream. Most people won’t guess that I: I love to dance! I can brag that I have rubbed shoulders with: I had dinner with Dr. Weiming Li from Michigan State University, whose work within fish physiology and ecology I admire. I also had Hillary Clinton sign a cast on my arm. Best laugh I had during my degree: I would have to say probably when another lab mate caught me jamming out to a song in the lab by myself. Sometimes when your song comes on you just have to jam! Best weird science moment: I was sampling livers from rainbow trout and while trying to get to the liver, I opened up the cavity that the fish’s heart occupies. Even though I had pithed the fish, the heart was still beating strong. This was by far one of the most weird and cool science moments I have ever had. Most memorable conference I have been to during my degree was: The 2014 annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society held in Quebec City, QC. I presented very well, made some great connections, and saw some old friends. Most memorable philosophical moment I had during my degree: “Face your fears, live your dreams”- Anonymous My graduate experience was more than just a degree because: Within a very short time of finishing my B.Sc., I moved from a rural area in Wisconsin, where I was raised, to the Waterloo area to work on my M.Sc. at Wilfrid Laurier University. Moving to Canada to work and complete my M.Sc. was difficult at times but also very rewarding. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Click here for Ben's resumé.

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